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Acne Treatments Columbus, Ohio

Acne treatments columbus ohio

An Acne Program That Finally Delivers Results & 答案

Achieving clear skin can feel exhausting. 产品通常提供承诺,但缺乏必要的个性化方法来澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网痤疮. And when left without an adequate solution, this condition may result in scarring, 额外的炎症和对你自尊的过度伤害. 为了结束这种沮丧,我们创建了一个全面的 acne treatment program that is truly tailored to your skin.

Schedule Your Consultation

The most common skin condition


* / American Academy of Dermatology

Nikki Rucinsky, acne treatment specialist

Meet Nikki: Your Acne Treatment Specialist

As a pillar of our medspa, Nikki is a certified 脸 Reality 皮肤care expert 具有丰富的经验澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网痤疮的所有严重程度. 她创建了这个项目,为患者提供他们应得的结果,并提供一种更个性化、更精致的替代方案,以替代Accutane和其他苛刻的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法. Throughout your tailored experience, 如果您对流程有任何疑问,您将直接与Nikki沟通.

A Glimpse Into What Your Plan May Include

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    Personalized Dietary Considerations


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    环境 & Lifestyle Changes


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    Immersive Educational Resources


close up of post-treatment skin

3 Months, Real Results & A Greater Understanding Of Your 皮肤

This isn’t a one-off treatment. This isn’t a miracle cream. 这是一个完全沉浸式和参与式的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,旨在通过回答三个简单的问题,给你更清晰的皮肤:

  • What is causing this?
  • What can be done?
  • What is actually working?

A Closer Look At What You Can Expect

You will work one-on-one with our renowned esthetician Nikki Rucinsky to establish the blueprint for your success. 一起,你会跟踪你的进展,因为澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的发展围绕你的结果. 随着时间的推移,您使用的产品和方法可能会发生变化, 创建一个有效和可持续的日常,你可以带着你很长一段时间的未来.

Bridging The Gap Between Beauty & 健康

不像这个地区的其他诊所,我们有独一无二的内部访问权限 functional wellness resources 以确定你的痤疮的根源是否源于荷尔蒙. We also offer additional nonsurgical treatments, like DiamondGlow and laser skin resurfacing, 旨在消除那些向世界承诺却无法兑现的产品所造成的损害.

Patient undergoing acne treatment
girl with acne on face rubs face tonic

痘 & Chronic Acne Are Not Your Fault


处理痤疮不仅仅是控制身体症状. It damages our confidence! It’s important to recognize that acne is a result of personal shortcomings, 但这是一种常见的生物现象,是由多种因素复杂的相互作用引起的,包括我们吃的食物和我们的环境.

记住:粉刺的最大原因是遗传, while 激素 play a supporting role, especially during puberty, menstruation and other life changes.


What Causes Acne At An Anatomic Level?

究其本质,痤疮是一种位于毛孔的遗传性疾病. 皮肤较干净的人的毛孔通常每天会脱落一层死技能. 容易长痘的毛孔每天会脱落多达五层,使身体不堪重负. 这就产生了微粉刺,也被称为“早期痤疮”.”

在接下来的3个月里,微粉刺很可能变成黑头. 然而, if bacteria is also present, 这会引发炎症反应,因为细菌会以死皮细胞和油脂为食, this early acne will evolve into pustules and, in serious cases, 囊肿.

Acne Treatments

What Are The Different Types of Acne?

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    Small red or pink raised bumps on the skin

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    Whiteheads (aka “closed comedones”)


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    Blackheads: (aka “open comedones”)


我们在这里解决你痤疮的根本原因-一次 & 对所有

Navigating through this experience with patience, 自我护理和专业指导可以帮助管理和理解这种非常常见的皮肤状况. Our acne treatment program in Columbus, Ohio is designed to offer invaluable education, along with the products, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网和个人护理水平来提供结果和答案.


From Our Acne Experts
